Family History Photo Wall

Family History Photo Wall

Command™ Brand

In a perfect universe, we’d all have at least one perfect art wall in our home filled with art and photos. In reality, most of us are limited to a smaller space, having to work around items or imperfections such as lights, windows, wall vents and molding. Here’s how you can work with what you’ve got at home to create a beautiful gallery wall that can easily be changed and updated as you acquire new items.

Materials needed:

  • Command™ Picture Hanging Strips

    – Rubbing alcohol and cotton pads

    – Various framed photographs, children's art, travel mementos, mirrors, etc.

    – Small square level

    NOTE: Follow all Command™ Brand package instructions for proper surface cleaning and prep, adhesive strip placement and recommended weight claims.

  • Materials Needed


  • 1. Gather all of the items you intend to hang on the wall, and lay them out on the floor. Arrange and rearrange until you come to a composition that you're happy with, taking existing element, such as wall sconces and heating vents into account.

    Decide which "anchor" piece you'd like to build out from and start with that one. Your anchor piece may be the largest item or your favorite item that you intend to hang.

    Using alcohol and a cotton pad, clean the portion of the wall where you intend to place the framed pieces. Let the area dry.

    Apply Command™ Picture Hanging Strips to each of the frames, and then adhere to the wall. Follow all package instructions to ensure proper adhesion of your frames to the wall.

    Repeat the steps above with all framed items.

  • Step 1
picture_hanging wall_decor family picture_hanging_strips